Family Ministry Upcoming Events

  • "The Table" Dinner church

    Come out and enjoy a free family oriented meal every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 6:30pm. We will share in a homecooked meal, fellowship time, singing, and dialogue. Children 6 and under will have childcare after dinner and children over 6 will have a special activity for them.

  • Art class for children

    Come learn how to paint or sketch from a trained artist! Classes are on Sunday from 3-6 depending on the age of the child. Must be at least 5 years old to begin. You must inquire with the office before attending. Email Spaces are limited!

  • Yearly Calendar

    We’re excited to offer these free events for the whole family throughout the school year! Our yearly pumpkin festival on 10/26, Christmas Party with Santa 12/14, our Easter Picnic on 04/12, and our family summer outdoor movies throughout the summer!

Family fun events ‘24-’25

Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan,

Pumpkin Extravaganza (4th Fri in Oct) Oct 25th 6-7:30. Come out for dinner and enter a carved pumpkin into the pumpkin carving contest!

Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan
Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan
Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan

A Very Merry Christmas party (3rd Sat in Dec) Dec. 14th 7 - 8:30pm. Games, crafts, and a special guest!

Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan
Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan

Easter Picnic and Egg hunt (2 Saturdays before Easter) April 12th 11:30am - 1:30pm. Enjoy lunch, games, and of course an Easter egg hunt!

Chatsworth, Church, UMC, Methodist, West Valley, CWUMC, United, Wesleyan

Family Summer Outdoor Movies, every 2nd & 4th Saturday beginning June 14th through Aug 9th at 8:00pm. Come and enjoy a family friendly movie on the lawn with free snacks throughout the summer.